Sciatica is a painful condition affecting the lower back, buttocks, the back of the legs, feet and toes. Symptoms include a stabbing, burning or shooting pain. Sciatica is the symptom of this condition. It is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include pins and needles down the back of the leg or feet along with numbness and muscle weakness. The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs through the bottom and down the leg. This pain can vary in severity and can be aggravated by sitting for long periods of time.
The reason the nerve becomes irritated may be due to a number of reasons which are all completely normal and are seen very commonly.
The reason the nerve becomes irritated may be due to a number of reasons which are all completely normal and are seen very commonly.
- A previously injured disc, the disc bulge may not be causing you the problem but may be irritating the nearby nerve root causing the sciatic symptoms. As we get older we may be experiencing some disc degeneration within the spine which also may cause some compression onto the sciatic nerve.
- Overworked and gone into protective spasm which can also irritate the sciatic nerve.
- Sciatica may have developed over time or suddenly due to trauma or physical injury.